2020 Committee

a.k.a The Vietnamese Dynasty


The Flare committee is responsible for the administrative direction of the club and organising upcoming events, classes, and performances. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message (find us on Facebook) or email any of us.

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2020 Committee Trailer

Executive Committee

Portrait of Anh Duy Truong
President - Anh Duy Truong

I started out my dance journey in highschool, occasionally performing here and there. I only took dance seriously only when I came to Flare, therein I learned to appreciate dance more as a form of expression. I’ll be forever grateful that I found myself a community pushing one another to grow as dancers, making lifelong friends along the way. I love Flare and regard Flare as my second family, and the first family I’ve had the pleasure to have here in Melbourne. As president, I’ll try my best to make Flare as good of an experience as I had to all members.

Portrait of Pearl Tasbur
Vice President - Pearl Tasbur

I am Pearl. I love dancing and sunflowers. I do any dance that my shoulder allows me to. Been in Flare for 2+ years now and here and there for 2019 with people asking me to stop dancing completely but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. Dance is my happiness. After joining flare, I realised the people you meet in Flare/Dance will always be one of the main reasons you love dance. Keep dancing! Stay safe everyone. 2020 is bad but don’t let your insanity overwhelm you. See you around in Flare, say hi to me I’m a little shy 🥺

Likes: Sunflowers🌻, TV series that I don’t have to work my brain 🧠 and FOOOOOOD THAT I LIKE ❤️ (because I’m picky hehe)

Portrait of Fiona Chen
Vice President - Fiona Chen

Hi I’m Fiona! I’ve been dancing for almost 8 years now, and deffs don’t plan to stop anytime soon 😊 I was first introduced to dance as a baby (not really sure if it counts tbh), doing ballet after chinese school for a year (still can’t chinese even though my parents started me early rip). I would then go on to high school to do school productions as extracurricular, but never really got serious about it until I was about 16, when I started ballet classes. I did ballet for about 2-3 years, as well as contemporary and hip hop in between. I loved hip hop so so much that I quit all my stage classes and trained in it exclusively for a long time, competing with a few diff crews until I joined Flare as one of the 2019 Graphics Officers. Nowadays, I’ll do whatever style because to me, dance is dance and I don’t think I could live without it! This year, I hope I can help bring new initiatives to flare to inspire both new and old dancers ❤️

Likes: Memes, potatoes, photoshop, bubble tea (i am asian after all, gotta satisfy at least one stereotype)

Portrait of Kunal Aggarwal
Secretary - Kunal Aggarwal

You already know my name but I would still prefer being called as Kuki (not cookie) and I’m the average size rookie with anti-gravity hair who joined Flare last year and applied to be your secretary this year, mainly the one who makes your afternoons and evenings more exciting with dance classes.

In my high school, I was mainly into soccer and skating and I never thought that I would go crazy for dance. So, a few years ago I saw step up movies and dance videos from Kinjaz, Melvin Timtim, Chris Martin and Keone Madrid which inspired me to make dance as my passion. When I came to Unimelb’s the first thing I signed up for was Flare and throughout the year I went for their casual classes and participated in Cocktail Night, External Gigs, MYS, and Production.

Throughout my journey in Flare, I met such lovely flarians and as a complete newbie who joined flare at the starting of the year found its family by the end of the year and now it’s my turn to give it back to my new family.

Likes: Swimming, skating and dancing.

Portrait of Micole Liong
Secretary - Micole Liong

I am Micole, currently doing my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Monash University. I have been dancing for 12/19 of my life, and counting. Entering the dance world with Ballet when I was 7, I took my RAD graded exams and progressed towards vocational ballet before beginning my street-dance journey with KPOP at 13.

I currently do an array of stage styles and am trying to widen my dance abilities in street styles.

Other than dance, I enjoy bartending at Fathers’ Office with my amazing colleagues that also came to be my most treasured friends. With working at a bar and spending most nights at clubs, I am partying on most days.

Likes: DANCING, bartending, binging on netflix series, partying, skateboarding

Portrait of Roger Chen
Treasurer - Roger Chen

Hallo!! I’m Roger, your treasurer for 2020! I entered Flare 2 years ago with 0 knowledge and experience in dance. Flare was one of many clubs i splashed my money on in the hectic o-week signup spam, and in the end it was the only one that was worth the money. 2 years later, Flare is the only club I am still a part of and dance has become an almost everyday activity in my life. Aside from that i’ve gotten to know and become friends with many flarians, making it an even more unforgettable journey (thus far).

I’m excited to be back as executive committee and I look forward to helping Flare reach new heights through whatever financial support is necessary. I also look forward to connecting with more new and old flarians and welcoming more people into this loving Flaremily :D. If i haven’t met you before don’t be afraid to say hi or hmu through insta :) (i’m not scary i promise)

P.S Stay safe and wash your hands!1!1

Likes: numbers, bubble tea and more bubble tea, shibas & corgis, free food or just freebies in general, sleeping and trying to not look lost in dance classes


Portrait of Nicholas Woo
Publicity Officer - Nicholas Woo

Coming soon!

Likes: Flare

Portrait of Tuna Nguyen
Events Officer - Tuna Nguyen

I first learnt what it truly meant to be a fish out of water when attempting jive for the first time in 2012.

Since then, I’ve had the invaluable oppor-tuna-ty to learn, grow and immerse myself in new communities and dance genres, having picked up swing, salsa, zouk, lyrical, latin and standard ballroom along the way.

Flare marks my first foray in solo dance styles, led by some of Victoria’s most incredible dancers. When not floundering in fast-paced jazz pieces I can be found practicing cucarachas while queuing for coffee.

Outside of dance and work I am often trying new recipes, collecting fish puns, learning about different cultures through travelling, reading up on sustainable tourism/ environmental policymaking and picking up new hobbies. (Currently familiarising myself with the Great Outdoors by learning how to climb indoors.)

Despite attempts to scale back on my dancing commitments and get a Real Job™, I joined the 2019 Flare committee as an apprentice and remained as 2020’s Events Officer. While still committed to the job hunt, I am eager to continue giving back to Melbourne’s dance community and make Flare a welcoming plaice for all dancers.

Likes: Dancing, travelling, cooking, oceanic puns.

Portrait of Lucy Zhu
Gigs Coordinator - Lucy Zhu

Trivia about me in dot points (because I am terribly sick of writing proper sentences when I am not studying):

  • I started dancing when I was maybe two, maybe three, but can you really call that dancing when apparently all I did was cry about how much I hated being there?
  • Continued dancing in China (so I guess modern Chinese?) till I was about eight before moving here.
  • I did ballet and tap for about two years, from 10 to 12.
  • You would assume I am a stage dancer and super flexible… Nope.
  • Began to follow the same path as most other Asians I know, so, you know, anime, K-Pop, anime, gaming. (I like being a disappointment to my parents as a side gig.)
  • I liked K-Pop enough to get back to dancing, but honestly, I didn’t have what it takes to be cool.
  • Joined Flare in 2018 and well, I found my peeps and enough motivation to come back here week after week.
  • My preferred style now is all over the place. I will say choreographed street dance because that’s what I am best at, but I am trying to branch out.

P.S. I am a Gemini and apparently, a Leo rising if that means anything to anyone.

Portrait of Jay Choi
Graphics Designer - Jay Choi

Coming soon!

Likes: Flare

Portrait of Charissa Chen
Graphics Designer - Charissa Chen

I’ve been dancing for around 11 years now. I started back home in Singapore doing contemporary and was subsequently exposed to a range of different genres like hip hop, street jazz, house and locking. I’d say that I’m hip hop based and also currently exploring the world of choreographed street dance :)

I’ve been looking for a dance community since coming to Melbourne in 2018. I found Flare by chance and joined during the Mid Year Showcase in 2019 - it was definitely one of my highlights of that year. This (what I like to call) ‘Flare-mily’ has been really fun and loving, constantly encouraging and growing.

The dance community, regardless of where I am, is one of the things I hold close to my heart. Not only is dance my passion but it also makes a big part of who I am today. I’m glad to be a part of the sub-committee as graphics this year and be able to give back to this community ♡

Likes (LOVES): Bread

Portrait of Jason Pham
IT Officer - Jason Pham

When I was younger, I watched the likes of Jabbawockeez, Poreotics and Quest Crew rip up the ABDC stage. I idolized them but could never see myself dancing, especially like them. I mean, I was a nerd who liked k-pop and computers. Didn’t have a clue on how to get started. It wasn’t until I watched the Unspoken 2017 production that I realised that there’s a whole dance community out there so I joined the following year.

And I don’t have a single regret. Joining Flare has easily been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Everybody is so inviting and I’ve met so many good friends through Flare. And while I can’t move my body like the Jabbawockeez yet, you can bet I’m working hard every day so I eventually can.

If you asked me three years ago what the 2020 version of me would be doing, there would have been a 0% chance I would have said dancing. It has actually changed my life so much and in a positive way. So it’s time for me to give back to the family and community that I now cherish and love by doing everything I can as a member of the committee.

Likes: popping, music, food, DIYing random shit, learning new things

Portrait of Sakura Everett-Jones
Ticketing Officer - Sakura Everett-Jones

I’d say my dance origins were quite ‘typical’ - I was placed in ballet classes at the age of 6, with the hopes that someday I would become an ultra-successful ballet dancer. I have an aunt that was in the Royal Ballet, so… big shoes to fill, nbd. However, as school (and life) progressed, it became abundantly clear that I couldn’t do this forever, so I stopped dancing altogether.

I fell back into dance through my high school’s dance troupe, where I was exposed to a number of stage styles such as jazz, musical theatre, lyrical and what I now consider to be my strongest genre: contemporary. We performed at eisteddfods across Queensland, even venturing interstate to perform in Sydney.

Moving to Melbourne for university, I knew I had to find a new dance group STAT. Enter Flare! Despite being very excited to join, nothing prepared me for the bombardment that is uni, so I didn’t have much to do with Flare until mid 2019. But now I’m here! In the sub-committee!

Likes: Cooking, volleyball, boomer music, spreadsheets (apparently)

Portrait of Colleen Yeow
Sourcing Officer - Colleen Yeow

Hey Flarians! This is Colleen <3

I started dancing from young, and did ballet all my life. When I moved to Melbourne from Singapore, I continued taking external ballet classes, but soon lost that interest in ballet :(. I joined Flare in 2019 because I really missed dancing, and was exposed to other styles like contemporary, jazz and lyrical, which I absolutely loved! While I mainly do contemporary, jazz and ballet, maybe one day I’ll be cool enough to try hip hop~

Flare’s been like family, and I’ve absolutely loved my time dancing with Flare! This year I’m your sourcing officer, and hope to bring you guys good merch and food!!

When I’m not dancing, I’m in the lab (trying not to cause an explosion), eating bread or hugging animals 🐶🐱❤️.


Likes: Animals, bread, bad chemistry jokes, k-drama

Portrait of Shi Ling
Charity Officer - Shi Ling

This is Shi Ling here, currently studying at the University of Melbourne for a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Science. This year, I am taking the role of a Community Engagement and Charity Officer in Flare!

My dance journey started when I was introduced to Rhythmic Gymnastics and Chinese Dance at 8 years old. After 5 years, I moved on to Artistic Gymnastics for 2 years. When I was in Polytechnic, however, I joined a Contemporary Dance Club and I never looked back since!

I may not look my age, but I actually worked full time as a horticulturist after graduating from Polytechnic. If you do not know what that is, do search it up! Clue: It is mainly about plant science and management.

More fun facts about myself include my love for music (KPop, Chinese Pop, Pop in general), studying, watching K-dramas and hanging out with friends. I don’t really party or club much although I would love to experience it. Most importantly… I love to eat! (I’m still trying to improve my cooking/ baking skills but I am thoroughly enjoying the process of learning how to! 💖)

Likes: Chocolate, dogs, k-dramas, flowers, bubble tea

Portrait of Chisa Hasegawa
Videos Officer - Chisa Hasegawa

I joined Flare in 2018, the year of the “Lost and Found” production. The title of my first production is a lot like my dance journey.

I started ballet at the age of 3 and eventually also lyrical, jazz, contemporary and 10 weeks of tap (wasn’t my thing). 11 years later, I was burned out from the constant rehearsals and wanted to focus on school (I was also tired of being yelled at everyday lmao). I’d been dancing since before I could remember, and suddenly I wasn’t.

I spent 2014-2018 exploring other things I could do with my life, and found a passion for public speaking, making films and Japanese drumming (taiko). Dance was such a major part of my life though, and I could feel the hole it had left in my life.

I saw moving to Melbourne to start my uni life as the perfect opportunity to start dancing again. From the end of 2017, I started looking for dance clubs to join and after a lot of social media stalking, I decided to join Flare and here, I fell back in love with dance.

This year, as a journalism student, taiko player, Flare videographer and dancer, I get to do everything I have a passion for all at once. I’m busier than ever, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Quarantine update: the extrovert in me is crying out for social interaction and I miss Flare as well as everything else :(

Likes: Redbull, iced coffee, cats, more caffeine and carbs

Portrait of Gabriella Hanna Muliawan
Videos Officer - Gabriella Hanna Muliawan

Coming soon!

Likes: Flare

Portrait of Emily Yang
General Committee - Emily Yang

I never really considered dancing as a part of my life until joining Flare last year, BUT BOY DID IT TAKE OVER MA LIFE!

Apart from a few miscellaneous performances in House events during highschool, I spent most of the first 18 years of my life in the world of competitive sport or competitive studying (such a good Asian kid 😰). After highschool, I was so done with everything I did the very reasonable and logical thing of flying off to England for 2 years. There, I spent a lot of time working and travelling but also discovered THE FASCINATING WORLD OF DANCE MOMS 🤯 after 2 years of binge watching Dance Moms, I couldn’t wait to join a dance club at uni.

And here we are: 1 cocktail night, 1 Production, 1 dance competition, and multiple video projects later. Last year I mostly stayed in the realm of stage styles, but who knows what this year brings (did anyone say… Kpop?? 🤭) can’t wait to meet all of you! I hope you too end up falling in love Flare and our community 😁

Likes: Long walks, shower singing, dancing (duh) and living that gym and jetset life (lol jokes, too poor for Jetset life #budgetalldayerryday)

Portrait of Dave Kwan
General Committee - Dave Kwan

Coming soon!

Likes: Flare